Acupuncture Treatment Center Located in Greenwich and Ballston Spa NY
Call Now: (518) 855 - 1455

Did you know...
Anxiety disorders affect 40 million people in the U.S. Almost one half of patients diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
People in the U.S. spend 42 billion dollars on anxiety disorders yearly.
Acupuncture can help!
The World Health Organization considers acupuncture an effective treatment for depression. Also, studies have shown that acupuncture can enhance effects of anxiety medications as well as produce noticeable improvement in obsessive-compulsive, depressive and anxiety symptoms.
There are also a variety of case studies documenting patients recovering from severe cases of PTSD with the help of acupuncture. To read some of the current research click here.
You could be the next success story. To book an appointment call (518) 232-1759 or click below.